The latest officially released version (1.0.0) can be installed automatically by executing the following code in R:


The in-development version from GitHub can be installed via the remotes package:


However, unless you are in dire need of an unreleased new feature or do want to participate in the package development, we DO NOT recommend to use the GitHub version for your data analyses. Outline, progress log and discussion for version 1.1.0 can be found on GitHub.

OSLdecomposition 1.0.0

Released 2022-08-12 on CRAN

  • First reviewed and throughout tested release
  • Added correction for PMT pulse-pair resolution to RLum.OSL_correction()
  • Added option to turn of automatic browser opening when reports are created
  • Moved the RSS calculation for the fitting algorithm used in fit_OSLcurve() to decompose_OSLcurve()and optimized it for performance there. This speeds up fit_OSLcurve() and RLum.OSL_global_fitting by about 4 times
  • Fixed bug that report images are saved in the wrong directory at some systems
  • Removed kableExtra package dependency (now only suggested). This simplified the use on Linux systems because kableExtra needs the installation of not-standard system libraries (tested on Ubuntu 20.04). The HTML reports have now differently formatted tables depending whether kableExtra is installed or not
  • Checked spelling and grammar in the whole package (thanks to C. Schmidt)
  • Changed used font, removed session info and made other minor style changes in the automatically created HTML reports to get more polished reports

OSLdecomposition pre-release

Released 2021-02-15 on GitHub

  • Added algorithm for the automatic removal of zero-signal data points at the start and the end of measurements. This simplifies the analysis of measurements where the record extends the stimulation like most single-grain measurements. The algorithm enabled per default in RLum.OSL_correction and can be deactivated via the remove_light_off parameter
  • Added the parameter rmd_path to RLum.OSL_global_fitting() and RLum.decomposition() to enable advanced users to manually select the Rmarkdown script file for the dynamic reports
  • Corrected grammar and improved style in the Step 1 and Step 2 report (thanks to C. Schmidt)
  • Changed appearance of the Step 1 and Step 2 reports to match with the appearance of
  • Some minor bugfixes and spelling corrections

OSLdecomposition beta

Released 2020-11-25 on GitHub

  • First release, released for DLED 2020 (online conference about luminescence and ESR dating hosted by the MPI Leipzig, Germany)
  • Based on my master thesis but extended for the RLum functions and the automatically created HMTL reports.

© Dirk Mittelstraß, 2020 - 2025 | This website was created with Rmarkdown