Hi! I’m a programmer and data analysis enthusiast with a background in applied physics, luminescence dosimetry, spectrometry and optics. I love to investigate, discuss and improve measurement techniques and I’m happy if I can spent my days buried deep in C# and R code. One decade ago, I was one of the engineers behind the lexsyg research luminescence dosimetry system at Freiberg Instruments. Today I live with my wife and our three children in Dresden and work part-time for a small company in the pharmaceutical industry. There I participate in developing state-of-the-art NIR spectrometry systems. However, as I am still very interested in luminescence dating and its methodology, I am happy to contribute to your project.

Contact: dirk.mittelstrass@luminescence.de.

Profile at Researchgate | GitHub | ORCID

Luminescence dating and spectroscopy as a service

You can hire me on a fee basis to perform detailed data analyses with R of your OSL, TL or IR-RF measurements. I provide the calculation of equivalent dose statistics and paleodoses including the evaluation of test steps and rejection criteria. You will also get a detailed PDF report and the source code of the data analysis. Write me a mail if you are interested.

If you like to outsource sample preparation and/or the luminescence measurements itself, I recommend to use the services of the LUNA luminescence laboratory at the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HZDR) in Germany. The LUNA lab is lead by Dr. Margret Fuchs and is specialized on spectroscopic investigations for mineral exploration and characterization. It is also well-equipped for geochronological investigations including OSL and TL dating and spectrometry. One special capability of the LUNA lab is the high-quality mineral separation in sediments through froth flotation.

My publications

Papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals:

M. Sontag-González, D. Mittelstraß, S. Kreutzer and M. Fuchs, ‘Wavelength calibration and spectral sensitivity correction of luminescence measurements for dosimetry applications: Method comparison tested on the IR-RF of K-feldspar’, Radiation Measurements, 2022
doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2022.106876.

D. Mittelstraß and S. Kreutzer, ‘Spatially Resolved Infrared Radiofluorescence: Single-grain K-feldspar Dating using CCD Imaging’, Geochronology, 2021
doi: 10.5194/gchron-3-299-2021.

D. Richter, D. Mittelstraß, S. Kreutzer, R. Pintaske, K. Dornich, and M. Fuchs, ‘A new fully integrated X-ray irradiator system for dosimetric research’, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2016
doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2016.03.022.

J. Lomax, D. Mittelstraß, S. Kreutzer, and M. Fuchs, ‘OSL, TL and IRSL emission spectra of sedimentary quartz and feldspar samples’, Radiation Measurements, 2015
doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2015.02.018.

N. Gribenski, F. Preusser, S. Greilich, S. Huot, and D. Mittelstraß, ‘Investigation of cross talk in single grain luminescence measurements using an EMCCD camera’, Radiation Measurements, 2015
doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2015.01.017.

S. Greilich, N. Gribenski, D. Mittelstraß, K. Dornich, S. Huot, and F. Preusser, ‘Single-grain dose-distribution measurements by optically stimulated luminescence using an integrated EMCCD-based system’, Quaternary Geochronology, 2015
doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2015.06.009.

N. Schüler, D. Mittelstraß, K. Dornich, J. R. Niklas, and H. Neuhaus, ‘Next generation inline minority carrier lifetime metrology on multicrystalline silicon bricks for PV’, in 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 2010
doi: 10.1109/PVSC.2010.5617170.

K. Dornich, N. Schüler, D. Mittelstraß, A. Krause, B. Gründig-Wendrock, K. Niemietz, and J.R. Niklas, ‘New Spatial resolved inline metrology on multicrystalline silicon for PV’, in 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 2009
doi: 10.4229/24thEUPVSEC2009-2CO.4.5.

Talks and posters at scientific conferences and workshops:

D. Mittelstraß, ‘Signal component analysis of IR-RF decay curves of K-feldspars - Part 2’, poster presented at the Central European Conference on Luminescence and Trapped-Charge dating: DLED 2024, Jelenia Góra, Poland, 24-Oct-2024.

D. Mittelstraß, M. Sontag-González, C. Schmidt, T. Lauer, M. C. Fuchs, und M. Fuchs, ‘Signal component analysis of IR-RF decay curves of K-feldspars’, poster presented at the 17th International Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 27-Jun-2023.

D. Mittelstraß, C. Schmidt, and S. Kreutzer, ‘R package ‘OSLdecomposition’ - Easy-to-use and reliable CW-OSL component separation’, poster presented at the Central European Conference on Luminescence and Trapped-Charge dating: DLED 2020, Leipzig, Germany, 17-Nov-2020.

D. Mittelstraß, C. Schmidt, J. Beyer, and A. Straessner, ‘Automated identification and separation of quartz CW-OSL signal components with R’, talk at the Central European Conference on Luminescence and Trapped-Charge dating: DLED 2019, Bingen, Germany, 10-Nov-2019.

S. Kreutzer, D. Mittelstraß, and N. Mercier, ‘Spatially Resolved Infrared Radiofluorescence (IR-RF): Deciphering Middle Pleistocene Sediment Transport Processes on a Single Grain Level?’, poster presented at the EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, Apr-2019.

D. Mittelstraß and S. Kreutzer, ‘Spatially resolved IR-RF using a CCD camera’, talk at the Central European Conference on Luminescence and Trapped Charge dating: DLED 2018, Beatenberg, Switzerland, 23-Nov-2018.

D. Mittelstraß, ‘Practical guide to IR-RF spectrometry’, talk at the 3rd IR-RF Workshop, Leipzig, Germany, 27-Feb-2018.

D. Mittelstraß, N. Gribenski, S. Greilich, S. Grehl, S. Huot, F. Preusser, D. Richter, K. Dornich, ‘Spatially resolved coarse grain measurements - problems and potentials’, poster presented at the German meeting on Luminescence and ESR dating: DLED 2014, Gießen, Germany, Nov-2014.

N. Gribenski, S. Greilich, D. Mittelstraß, S. Huot, K. Dornich, and F. Preusser, ‘Using EMCCD cameras for single grain luminescence dating’, presented at the 14th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, Montreal, Canada, 2014.

K. Dornich, D. Mittelstraß, S. Grehl, D. Richter, A. Richter, and S. Greilich, ‘New developments in dosimetric equipment from Freiberg Instruments’, presented at the 14th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, Montreal, Canada, 2014.

N. Gribenski, F. Preusser, K. Dornich, S. Greilich, S. Huot, and D. Mittelstraß, ‘New developments towards spatially-resolved luminescence detection’, presented at the UK Luminescence and ESR Dating Meeting, St Andrews, UK, 2013.

D. Mittelstraß, S. Kreutzer, and D. Richter, ‘An analytical method to separate signal components of CW-OSL measurements of quartz’, talk at the German meeting on Luminescence and ESR dating: DLED 2013, Freiberg, Germany, 26-Oct- 2013.

K. Dornich, M. R. Krbetschek, A. Hilgers, and D. Mittelstraß, ‘LEXSYG – a new luminescence measurement system for research and dating’, presented at the 13th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, Torun, Poland, 2011.

M. R. Krbetschek, K. Dornich, A. Hilgers, and D. Mittelstraß, ‘LEXSYG – a new luminescence measurement system for research and dating’, presented at the Deutschsprachiges Lumineszenz- und ESR-Datierungs-Kolloquium: DLED 2010, Innsbruck, Austria, 2010.

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